Bittersweet Symphony

Well, it was a bittersweet day for me yesterday (Tuesday 1/8/08).

First off, I would like to say a prayer for my grandmother who passed away in the early morning of Wed. (1/9/08) Malaysian time. She had suffered a debilitating stroke many months back and had been bedridden ever since. She was really suffering and I'm happy that she finally passed away and is in a better place right now. I had not been back home to Malaysia since her stroke and I did not have the chance to see her and say goodbye. But just knowing that she is not suffering anymore leaves my heart at peace.

Goodbye, Ah Mah........

Yesterday was also orientation day at the culinary school. Got the news of my grandmother's death just as I was getting ready to leave for CSCA. Perhaps it's her way of saying, don't worry about me and just concentrate on what you are trying to accomplish with this new endeavor. Anyway, the drive down to Cambridge was horrendous. Traffic was bad and finding a parking space on Mass Ave was even worse. Got to the orientation a few minutes late and it had already started. They were in the midst of introducing themselves. There were roughly 30-40 students there, from 4 different programs: Culinary (certificate and pro) and Pastry (cert and pro). Got all the relevant stuff squared away, got my binder full of class material (notes and recipes), got my picture ID taken, paid the first half of my tuition, etc. Got a chance to speak to Chef Jim, who would be teaching the Knife Skills class that I would be having later this evening. Got to go get myself a pair of sturdy, comfortable, black shoes this morning for the upcoming classes.

Anyway, that's my story for today. Will do an update again tomorrow.

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