The Walking Dead - Zombies Crash Onto Your TV This Halloween

I've been so looking forward to this new TV series for a long time, ever since it was announced months ago. And now, the time is nearly upon us. This Halloween, AMC is premiering "The Walking Dead," a gripping story about a zombie outbreak and the survivors who must fight the new plague and themselves to stay alive. AMC is the cable channel where some of the best-written dramas reside, among them, "Mad Men," "Breaking Bad" and more recently, "Rubicon." And I have no qualms that "The Walking Dead" will be just as good. With the recent onslaught of vampire lore hitting our TV screens and theaters, it's about time another branch of undead gets the spotlight and this new series should do the trick (or treat!).

Zombie movies have been around for a long time and have evolved over the years. While he was not the creator of the genre, George A. Romero's 1968 cult classic, Night of the Living Dead is considered the starting point when the genre came to the fore. Romero followed that up with Dawn of the Dead in 1978 and later, Day of the Dead in 1985, completing his sort-of-trilogy of zombie movies. After Universal Studios released a remake of Dawn of the Dead in 2004, Romero came back a year later with his 4th zombie film, Land of the Dead, which was positively received. Other notable zombie movies include Danny Boyle's excellent 28 Days Later, Andrew Currie's zom-com (zombie-comedy) Fido, another zom-com Shaun of the Dead and the recently released Zombieland, which features a hilarious cameo by Bill Murray. As you can see, the zombie genre is alive(!) and well and "The Walking Dead" will be a great addition to the zombie lore.

So set your DVRs this Sunday at 10pm ET and see Halloween 2010 go out with a bang, a crunch and a slow moan!

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