We love this woman, we love her website. Its about time something exciting came out of London.  Her photography contains everything great about this world: chicks, tits, the 90's, skateboarding, metal boys, nudity, buff garms, harley davidson, tack and trash and sex.
We asked Moni a few questions. Go get inspired.
Moni v Badlands

1-Tell us a little about yourself. I'm happy, i'm shouty, i'm never bored, i'm scared of mountains and being lost at sea, i wish vampires were real, i love thinking about space and the universe and parallel universes and the big bang and what the fuck is life and I'm sure that nothing is the way we think it is really............

2- WHERE DO YOU FIND YOUR BABES? my russian friends are so good at hooking me up with girls and boys to shoot.....totally facebook......and lots of times just on the street.....o yea and twitterrrr.....where you found me and i found you!

3-Do you normally have an idea in mind before you shoot, or does it just come from hanging about and playing around? Can you tell us about the johnnys bird's process?mmmm this happens different ways......sometimes i totally have a story idea, y'know like a happening, and i wanna plan the locations and the feel already before.....and sometimes it will just be clothes begging me to shoot them in a certain way, other times I have someone i'm dying to shoot and I don't have any idea at all, but just going and hanging out with them will bring on the mood. But sometimes i have ideas and i just get totally diverted by the person and the place and i'll end up doing something completely different. Its kinda better to be loose about all that stuff, open to anything.....the best things always happen unplanned.....i love accidents

4-Who would you love to to take pictures of? I'd love to shoot your badlands krush Jesse Jo Stark for sure

5-What gets you ticking (aka inspires you) and what gets you bitching (angers you)? inspiration from music always....old stuff tho, right now So Cal Punk bands from back in the day.....movies (i just watched 8 mile again last nite and the Wrestler..always love a trailer park) 70s muscle cars, LA bikers.....trashed and crumbling houses always get me.....you can always make a good story in junky house.... angryyy.....haha my boyf would say in my car and i guess he's right. fuck knows what happens to me when i get on the road and i have douche drivers in front of me but i lose it superfast. I get itchy at the traffic lights cuz i always wanna beat the car next to me at the off...haha yea i'm definitely a roadrager

6-What are you favorite places to hangout? East London, Portobello and Camden are where i have good times.....and late nite gangster watching at bar italia soho

7-What's on your christmas list? junky stripper boots and the box set of true blood

8-Finish these sentences for us
My teenage years were .........spent at boarding school, trying hard to do bad things that never worked out.
London rules because.......
it gave birth to the sex pistols
If i could wipe one persons celebrity status it would be .....
haha i actually cant even answer this question, i kind of just even hate the word celebrity so i would wipe that and all the shit that it brings to the poor suckers who wanna be one

9-If i was a DJ my top 5 tracks would be .....Hole-Live Through This
L7- Shitlist
Girlschool- Bomber
The Runaways- Black Leather
My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult- Glamour is a Rocky Road 

10-Finally, what are your plans for 2011? we're planning to move to LA for a few years next summer which is the most exciting thing everevereverever so.....yeah omg and i wanna learn to ride a harley

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