Revamping My Blog: Dinner & A Movie

This site revamp has been a long time coming and it has finally come to fruition. I am combining two of my greatest passions: cooking and engrossing myself in the magic of the motion pictures, both on the big screen and also on television. Before I started on my culinary career, I was a movie/DVD reviewer for 2 websites: DVDTown and IGN and right now I am going back to reviewing again, having spent the last couple of years concentrating on my new career. Bringing my two passions together in this blog is a dream come true for me and I hope you'll enjoy reading about it as much as I enjoy writing it.

So please come back to visit often as I blog about the latest news in the movie, Blu-ray and DVD release realm and also provide some great dinner ideas as you prepare to go out to the cinema or to curl up on the couch with a great movie or TV show.

Great to have you on board!
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