Bachelorette Biz

I don't see what the huge deal is about the dude in the mask. Oh, his name is Jeff. Sorry, I'm not into appearances or labels. My point is: it's not a paper bag. You can still see your face bro. Just saying. There is so much angst with this dude and his interaction with the others. It seems setup. Over it. Also, this year, is it just me or do the bachelor's have super tragic stories? It's almost as if the producers felt they had to pick men with such drama/heart-wrenching stories in case you weren't completely sold on Ashley, you'd find someone to love, empathize and root for regardless. Also, let's talk about the best part of the show this week: THE JABBAWOKEEZ. Don't judge, but, last time I was in Vegas I got to see their show. Amazing. I highly reccommend it. I'd liked to briefly touch on Bentley. People here are saying that he's a 'really great guy' and that he was edited unfairly. Uh, okay. Whomever he was talking about he said what he said and that's that. People don't like editors because they see themselves on TV. And it's somehow surprising. Look, I'm sorry he hurt Ashley's feelings but I found myself laughing everytime he's onscreen. He is ridiculous.
It's clear he's having just as much fun playing to the camera's as we are watching it. I must say, I'm a little nervous for the 'Ashley Roast' a la Comedy Central next week. Seems unecessary and mean.
Oh Ashley, hang in there. The season just started.

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