Recappn The Bachelor!

Who wants a side braid?! I do, I do! I hope Jackie wasn't the one who knew how to 'side-braid' because now she's gone and no one will be able to do their hair. Michelle makes me she serious?! She is so confident in herself that she tells Brad what to do and when to do it. Maybe that worked on some of her previous conquests because she seems secure in her tactics. It's hilarious to watch. And entertaining. I haven't heard Brit say one thing the whole show...have you? Huh. Kinda weird. Who do you think wins? more importantly, how long do they stay together after "The Final Rose?" Or do they make it that far? I don't think it's Emily because I'm sure she is already the next Bachelorette. There hasn't been too much drama this season. Oh, except for the exploiting of Emily and her past. I find myself fast-forwarding a lot this season, so, I must be bored. I also find Brad a skosh insincere. Try taking your shirt off more and maybe I won't be as likely to FF.

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