We fucking love this chick. 

Dear Jesse,
 As were starting off our first girl crush here's a poem of utter gush bound to make you (mostly us) blush.

 Roses are red, Jesse Jo is boy blue
We are from badlands and were fucking hooked on you
Your from LA were from London
But this won't stop us ruling the kingdom
Ask three wishes from us badland bitches
Don't be polite or sit tight
The world is our oyster 
So get involved in the badland's ride!

Feast your eyes upon this bitch... She even answered our stupid questions

Favorite film? House of 1000 corpses

Favorite song? The Misfits- Halloween

Favorite hangout? Taco Bell with Logy

Favorite spice girl?  Sporty

Ultimate crush? Joan Jett

Most treasured items? My rings, my vintage t-shirts, my pins, my horns

Where are your favorite places to shop? Chrome Hearts, any toy stores

Who what and where inspires you? My little boy germy, Joan Jett, HALLOWEEN, movies, cry baby, bands, misfits, sex pistols, concerts, disney land, Japan 

What's the best thing about LA? You can find every type of person. You can find the richest person or the dirtiest bum and have fun with all of em.

What's the worst thing about LA? Traffic

What's on your christmas list? A life size dinosaur 

What blog/websites do you read?    www.          www.

Fondest childhood memory? Talking to the monster in the backyard

Dirtiest habit? Not wiping my ass after i take a crap

What's your poison? Orange Juice 

Tell us an average day in the life of Jesse Jo? WORK AND PLAY

Tell us about your plans for the future? Shaking hands and kissing babies

Tell us a secret? I have two hearts

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